owncloud (9.1.7) stable ; urgency=medium * Fix user deletion for LDAP users core/#28008 * Added "occ files:scan" repair mode to repair mismatch filecache paths - core/#29487 * Add extra check in case of missing home storage - core/#28505 * Add cache for new card uri<->id to fix db cluster execution - core/#28304 * Create new birthday calendar without VTODO and give order 100 - core/#28550 * Username must be at least 3 characters long - core/#29239 * Use correct class namespace for ownCloud ext storage - core/#28978 * Remove input autofocus on Internet Explorer - core/#28830 * PHP 5.5 is EOL as well by now - core/#28766 * Do not reset quota to "default" whe no LDAP quota attributes configured - core/#28404 * Add check for empty result in storage memcache - core/#28229 * Only use IndexIgnore if mod_autoindex.c is enabled/loaded. - core/#28592 * Make setValues use insertIfNotExists - core/#28484 * Add emitting of hook post_unshareFromSelf to Share 2.0 - core/#28412 * Data is not properly set in case of OCS Result object - core/#28199 * Check that the most recent app version is loaded - core/#28222 * Add Win10 User Agent for FakeLockerPlugin. Add missing response status. - core/#28288 * Fix cross storage move info - core/#28238 * Fix SMB to better detect when overwriting through rename - core/#29565 owncloud (9.0.11) stable ; urgency=medium * Added "occ files:scan" repair mode to repair mismatch filecache paths - core/#29491 * Add extra check in case of missing home storage - core/#29046 * Only use IndexIgnore if mod_autoindex.c is enabled/loaded. - core/#28593 * Make setValues use insertIfNotExists - core/#28485 * Stop processing in case of filecache loop inside propagator - core/#28320 * Fix cross-storage move info - core/#28284 * Fix default quota - core/#28302 * Always load most recent app from dirs - core/#28224 owncloud (10.0.3) stable ; urgency=medium * It is now possible to upgrade from 8.2.11 directly to 10 - core/#28655 core/#28673 * Added extra check in case of missing home storage - core/#28504 * Added Shield and Workflow icons - core/#28588 * Enable chunking for big files in web UI when logged in - core/#28547 * Added emitting of hook "post_unshareFromSelf" to Share 2.0 - core/#28413 * Added occ user:inactive command to list inactive users - core/#28294 * Added internal setting for the periodic credentials validity check - core/#28298 * Added jquery events for external storage settings UI when using OAuth - core/#28210 * Added public IThemeService which allows apps like the template editor to interact with the current theme - core/#28647 core/#28926 * Added "passwordEnabled" field to hook data of link shares - core/#28827 * Add new option to disable sharing in every user-mounted external storages - core/#28706 * Added default user and group share permissions - core/#28903 * Added occ command to list routes - core/#28907 * Added mime types for m3u, m3u8, pls mappings to audio streams - core/#28885 * Transfer ownership now works with master key encryption - core/#28537 core/#28845 * Reenable medial search by default - core/#28064 * The LoginController now emits "failedLogin" hook signal after a failed login - core/#28631 * All columns that use the fileid have been changed to bigint (64-bits) - core/#28581 * Added search pattern for the occ app:list command - core/#28653 * Allow phpredis develop branch - core/#28717 * Default minimum desktop version in config.php is now 2.2.4 - core/#28540 * Reallow negative mtimes by default in storage implementations - core/#28697 * Removed "themes" folder - core/#28617 core/#28999 * Removed unused Windows checks - core/#28612 * Removed "appstoreenabled" from config.php - core/#28714 * Slash in filename when renaming is not allowed any more in the frontend (unintended "feature") - core/#28490 * Using old chunking protocol on new DAV endpoint is now disallowed - core/#28637 * Fix issue with folder sizes on 32-bit systems - core/#28654 * Fix null error in ActivityManager on some setups - core/#28420 * Load app code before running app specific migrations - core/#28391 * Prevent certificate manager to access FS too early, fixes 8.2 to 10 migration issue - core/#28668 * Clustering: Better support of read only config file and apps folder - core/#28594 core/#28601 * Only use IndexIgnore in htaccess if mod_autoindex.c is enabled/loaded - core/#28591 * Fix app enable of not existing app - core/#28317 * Keep redirect information when logging in with wrong password - core/#28511 * Use SwiftMailer antiflood plugin to reconnect after multiple emails sent - core/#28180 * Theme is now properly loaded when displaying full page error messages - core/#28622 * Adjusted warning for PHP 5.5 EOL - core/#28765 * Don't enable market app on upgrade from OC < 10 if "appstoreenabled" was false in config.php - core/#28757 * Use different CSS comment style for IE11 support - core/#28752 * Adjust default slogan - core/#28724 * Catch filecache inconsistencies instead of logging warnings - core/#28710 * Check for null when traversing app passwords table rows - core/#28894 * Improve market upgrade messages + new switch - core/#28871 * Make occ upgrade verbose by default - core/#28876 * Add more information to updatechecker config doc - core/#28867 * All columns that use the fileid have been changed to bigint (64-bits) - core/#28581 * Fix length of account search term column which broke installs on some DB setups - core/#28576 * Fix column lengths on migrations table to fix index - core/#28254 * Fixed some repeated duplicate key errors relate to oc_preferences table - core/#28486 * Add migration step to fix birthday calendars - core/#28338 * Added cache for new card uri-id mapping to fix db cluster execution - core/#28308 * Optimize upload - don't fetch info of non-existing file - core/#28704 * Optimize upload - don't check if file exists if already known - core/#28704 * Optimize upload - do not fetch metadata for part file during checksuming - core/#28633 * Optimize shares retrieval logic with complex scenarios - core/#28524 * Optimize query logger - core/#28220 * Remove initial scanning overhead to speed up federated shares with lots of entries - core/#28604 * Improve contact search performance - core/#28042 * Improved search performance for federated instance users - core/#28209 * Add database index on "oc_share.share_with" column - core/#28856 * Don't trigger hooks for every new dav chunk, only for final file - core/#28817 * Prevent creating file cache inconsistencies when moving a subtree in or out of a share - core/#28219 * Add check for empty result in storage memcache - core/#28548 * Fix error message when accessing of non-existing file on external storage - core/#28613 * Fixed OAuth frontend logic when connecting to external storage - core/#28496 core/#28400 * Fix quota handling on new Webdav endpoint (affects desktop client 2.2+) - core/#28261 * Fix mounting Webdav as drive in Windows 10 - core/#28243 * Fix rare error that happens when mounting invalid shares - core/#28342 * Handle BSD case for 32 bit filemtime and install warning - core/#28790 * Properly check target rename path in new dav endpoint - core/#28737 * Increment required only when encryption is enabled - core/#28880 * Make sure passed upload mtime is always an int - core/#28186 * Fix directory mime type in trashbin list - core/#28803 * Properly highlight files when opening private link - core/#28681 * Fix overlapping selectively in default fileslist - core/#28906 * Better timeout detection in web UI uploads + chunked uploads - core/#28896 * Fix getting drop target when dragging from file manager - core/#28882 * Improve file upload progress bar - core/#28861 * Creating link shares now doesn't forget "Allow editing" permission any more - core/#28065 * Fix "notify user" checkbox in share panel - core/#28237 * Proper message shown when accessing unreachable private links - core/#28600 * Fix exact search term match for LDAP in share autocomplete - core/#28851 * Add tooltip to public shares panel - core/#28781 * Validate share link password even if unchanged when updating share - core/#28713 * Fix DiscoveryManager error during upgrade by untangling federated share app dependencies - core/#28858 * Don't set email if invalid in user:add command - core/#28577 * Group admins can now properly edit members' email addresses - core/#28366 * Fixed "settings_ajax_changegroupname" typo in route name - core/#28746 * Use IProvidesEMailBackend to fix syncing with LDAP backend - core/#28736 * Make Backbone PROPPATCH work with options.wait mode - core/#28791 core/#28837 * Detect PROPPATCH failure by parsing multistatus in Backbone Webdav adapter - core/#28628 * Error messages from the server on upload are now displayed in the web UI instead of generic messages - core/#28635 * Properly set the status text in OCS API v2 calls - core/#28595 * Data was not properly set in case of OCS Result object - core/#28198 * Only reload file list when switching navigation sections - core/#28843 * Make new text file tooltip messages update properly - core/#28151 * Fix trashbin preview icons - core/#28158 * Allow user "0" as in comments - core/#28422 * Better description for occ files:scan command - core/#28839 * Better description for occ files:cleanup command - core/#28841 * Reworded upgrade message for admin with big instance - core/#28828 * Make lost password errors distinguishable - core/#28756 * Add height to menutoggler - core/#28723 * Remove apostrophe from full page file read error text - core/#28702 * Added missing "fatal" log level to occ log:manage level command - core/#28683 owncloud (10.0.2) stable ; urgency=medium * [major] Fix issue with database.xml migration being triggered twice on market app install - core/#27982 * [major] Apps formerly marked as shipped can now be uninstalled - core/#27985 * [major] Market now properly updates app version when using multiple apps paths - core/#27989 owncloud (9.1.6) stable ; urgency=medium * [major] Default quota display in users page now works correctly again - core/#27896 * [major] Maintenance mode now properly blocks access on new DAV endpoint - core/#27821 * [minor] Escape filter in search - core/#27900 * [minor] Fix file name output in error pages - core/#27808 * [minor] Fix PDF download button in embedded viewer - core/#27521 * [minor] Fix rare issue where one cannot comment due to inconsistent mount cache table with deleted users - core/#27012 * [minor] Trashbin restore warnings due to missing entries now logged as debug - core/#27826 * [minor] Remove own shares from "Shared with you" section - core/#27972 * [minor] System tags: properly refresh tags after editing - workflow/#113 owncloud (9.0.10) stable ; urgency=medium * [minor] Escape filter in search - core/#27900 * [minor] Fix file name output in error pages - core/#27808 * [minor] Fix PDF download button in embedded viewer - core/#27521 * [minor] Fix rare issue where one cannot comment due to inconsistent mount cache table with deleted users - core/#27012 * [minor] Remove own shares from "Shared with you" section - core/#27972 owncloud (10.0.1) stable ; urgency=medium * [major] Clear cached app info before installing app - core/#27953 * [major] Fix to allow admin login when using home object store mode - core/#27963 * [major] Skeleton files correct copied for shibboleth - core/#27935 * [major] Automatically enable market app when upgrading from OC < 10 - core/#27930 * [major] Fix issue where market would run app migrations twice in some scenarios - market/76 * [major] Fetch search terms from user backend (ex: LDAP) for more extended user search ability - core/#27906 * [major] Added support for upload-only link shares - core/#27548 * [major] When enabling default encryption module the admin must now explicitly choose encryption type (master key vs user key) - core/#27512 * [major] Fix missing "publicuri" field when upgrading from 9.1.5 - core/#27754 * [major] Add options to the user:sync command to handle missing accounts - core/#27798 * [major] Maintenance mode now properly blocks syncing on new DAV endpoint - core/#27821 * [major] Copy button for multiple link share now copies the correct link - core/#27863 * [major] Fix upload issues with IE11 - core/#27875 * [major] Allow apps to register multiple settings panels - core/#27885 * [major] Account table doesn't sync from user backends that have no listing support - core/#27862 * [major] Add events for password validation - core/#27883 * [major] Add JS event after external storage mount config is loaded, for UI extensions - core/#27740 * [major] Fix theming of setup page by autoloading default_enable theme apps - core/#27819 * [major] Allow apps to register custom settings page sections in info.xml - core/#27634 * [major] Add admin sharing option to restrict autocomplete to membership groups but still allow typing full name if known - core/#27869 * [minor] Market app update now doesn't overwrite local git checkouts - core/#27973 * [minor] Delete "appstoreenabled" config value when enabling market - core/#27956 * [minor] Do not verify email address when entered by an admin on their personal page - core/#27921 * [minor] Fix default share permission issue in public API core/#27927 * [minor] Properly rethrow exception when error occurred when enabling an app - core/#27970 * [minor] Remove own shares from "Shared with you" section - core/#27972 * [minor] Fix updating to daily from 10.0.0 with web updater - updater/#422 * [minor] Fix updating to 10.0.1 with web updater - core/#27965 * [minor] Removed unused and non-working auto-login after setup - core/#27971 * [minor] Fix SMB storage to return false if stat failed - core/#27859 * [minor] Update swiftmailer - core/#27897 * [minor] Escape filter in search - core/#27900 * [minor] Fix file name output in error pages - core/#27808 * [minor] Support for alternative login buttons through config.php - core/#27607 * [minor] Example theme app renamed to "theme-example" by convention - core/#27632 * [minor] Fix missing translation of built-in section names - core/#27645 * [minor] Add ability to disable password reset form in config - core/#27676 * [minor] Add support for themed radio buttons - core/#27681 * [minor] Fix customjs extension handling for external storage apps - core/#27683 * [minor] Fix upgrade error with mod_fcgid and PHP 7 - core/#27553 * [minor] Remove sharing subtab when link sharing is disallowed - core/#27708 * [minor] Add privacy warning in link shares panel - core/#27844 * [minor] Fix files app name in navigation menu - core/#27843 * [minor] Fix mimetype table code to ignore folder extensions - core/#27668 * [minor] Automatically focus the password field in password reset page - core/#27889 * [minor] Trashbin restore warnings due to missing entries now logged as debug - core/#27826 * [minor] Remove obsolete repair step RemoveOldShares - core/#27737 * [minor] "local link" was renamed to "private link" - core/#27594 * [minor] Fix column sorting in public file list page - core/#27308 * [minor] Don't display error when not connected to market - market/#51 * [minor] Fix issue with some apps info formats - market/#49 * [minor] Add ability to uninstall apps in market app UI - market/#67 * [minor] Improve visual feedback when installing market apps - market/#64 * [minor] Don't display license key in config report - configreport/#27 owncloud (9.1.5) stable ; urgency=medium * [major] Fix potential DB crash due to DB locks with Galera Cluster - core/#27071 * [major] Renaming SMB mount point now does not delete its contents - core/#27377 * [major] Fix quota behavior inconsistencies with LDAP quota - core/#27420 * [major] Prevent useless queries to local DB users table when using LDAP - core/#27068 * [major] Reduce queries to storages table by caching known entries in memcache - core/#27312 * [major] Optimize long-running jobs by only running them for users who actually logged in before - core/#26361 * [major] Link shares now work correctly when using master key encryption - core/#27261 * [major] Delete files tooltip now shows the original file path again - core/#27271 * [major] Keep file id when overwriting files when using home object store - core/#27281 * [major] Add support for custom Sabre auth plugin registration in core - core/#27370 * [major] Fix home folder deletion which could fail with LDAP and home attribute in some cases - core/#26848 * [major] Enable exponential backoff in GDrive SDK library to reduce API rate limit issues - core/#20481 * [major] Fix LDAP home connector forbidden regression about disallowed symlinks - enterprise/#1705 * [minor] Fix web updater on some setups that show error message about session already closed - core/#27647 * [minor] Updated ca-bundle.crt - core/#27513 * [minor] Remove useless warning about contact id when sharing with email - core/#27225 * [minor] Don't store empty groups in system tags table - core/#27295 * [minor] When running cron the log now contains each job's last duration - core/#27239 * [minor] Do not rerun slow unmerged shares repair routine on upgrade when it already ran before - core/#27176 * [minor] SMB storage now properly skips DFS links to forbidden shares - core/#26845 * [minor] Sharing field now does not show remote entry when entering local account/email address - core/#26647 * [minor] Fix integrity check warning about gitignore when updating from a previous 9.1 version - updater/#41 * [minor] Fix mixed translations for LDAP users on some setups - core/#27328 * [minor] Fix theme resource caching with memcache - core/#27288 * [minor] Output exceptions from occ files:scan - core/#27136 * [minor] Fix useless log entry when mounting an orphaned share from a deleted user - core/#27026 * [minor] Fix inconsistent default value for share dialog user enumeration setting - core/#27224 * [minor] Redirect unlink to rmdir when unlinking directories to avoid potential underlying issues - core/#27101 * [minor] Fix log message with monochrome BMP preview - core/#27044 owncloud (9.0.9) stable ; urgency=medium * [major] Renaming SMB mount point now does not delete its contents - core/#27377 * [major] Fix quota behavior inconsistencies with LDAP quota - core/#27420 * [major] Prevent useless queries to local DB users table when using LDAP - core/#27068 * [major] Reduce queries to storages table by caching known entries in memcache - core/#27312 * [minor] Updated ca-bundle.crt - core/#27513 * [minor] Sharing field now does not show remote entry when entering local account/email address - core/#26647 * [minor] Fix integrity check warning about gitignore when updating to 9.1 - updater/#418 * [minor] Fix mixed translations for LDAP users on some setups - core/#27328 * [minor] Fix theme resource caching with memcache - core/#27288 * [minor] Output exceptions from occ files:scan - core/#27136 * [minor] Fix useless log entry when mounting an orphaned share from a deleted user - core/#27026 * [minor] Fix inconsistent default value for share dialog user enumeration setting - core/#27224 * [minor] Redirect unlink to rmdir when unlinking directories to avoid potential underlying issues - core/#27101 * [minor] Fix log message with monochrome BMP preview - core/#27044 owncloud (8.2.11) stable ; urgency=medium * [major] Use proxy settings when connecting to remote shares - core/#27410 * [major] Fix issue with non-deletable SMB folders when trashbin is disabled - core/#27101 * [minor] Updated ca-bundle.crt - core/#27513 * [minor] Fix inconsistent default value for share dialog user enumeration setting - core/#27224 * [minor] Fix small autoloader issue in rare situations - core/#27108 * [minor] Fix log message with monochrome BMP preview - core/#27044 owncloud (9.1.4) stable ; urgency=medium * [major] Make error message for password reset form more generic - core/#27011 * [major] When sharing autocomplete is disabled, also disable for the email field - core/#26504 * [major] Add command to clean up invalid/expired remote storages - core/#26379 * [major] Fix encryption key storage when using LDAP home folder rules - core/#26820 * [major] Properly react on memcache errors - core/#25692 * [major] Fix random normalizedPathCache log messages / garbage collection issues from PHP 7 - core/#22370 * [major] Properly deal with inconsistent LDAP/memcache or user/group manager responses - core/#26871 * [major] Added configreport app which will help with better bug reports - configreport/#6 * [major] Change how and when the license expiration warning is displayed - enterprise_key/#49 * [major] Fix storage migration namespace issues on update - windows_network_drive/#65 * [minor] Fix syncing of file names with colon followed by a number - core/#25479 * [minor] Prevent empty user uid from LDAP - user_ldap/#6 * [minor] Prevent repeated log messages when dealing with broken picture files - core/#26758 * [minor] Fix group-enable option in apps page when memcache is enabled - core/#26638 * [minor] Add AVMaxFileSize config option - files_antivirus/#133 * [minor] Reduce number of federated share requests when dealing with non-existing entries - core/#26324 * [minor] Remove obsolete legacy storage repair routine - core/#26774 * [minor] Fix broken remote avatar image in activities tab - activity/#529 * [minor] When grouping duplicate shares, sort by stime then id - core/#25830 * [minor] Make file upload post hooks consistent between chunking and non-chunking mode - core/#26387 * [minor] Fix wrong German translation in upload progress bar by using momentjs library - core/#26804 * [minor] Skip unavailable storages in background file scan instead of failing - core/#26055 * [minor] Update PHP 7.1 incompatibility warning - core/#26982 * [minor] Warning notification when uploading 4+ GB file in IE11 - core/#27004 owncloud (9.0.8) stable ; urgency=medium * [major] Make error message for password reset form more generic - core/#27011 * [major] When sharing autocomplete is disabled, also disable for the email field - core/#26504 * [major] Add command to clean up invalid/expired remote storages - core/#26379 * [major] Fix encryption key storage when using LDAP home folder rules - core/#26820 * [major] Properly react on memcache errors - core/#25692 * [major] Fix performance regression with many received shares - core/#26912 * [major] Fix random normalizedPathCache log messages / garbage collection issues from PHP 7 - core/#22370 * [major] Prevent LDAP avatar to be duplicated repeatedly in vCard - core/#26242 * [major] Added configreport app which will help with better bug reports - configreport/#6 * [major] Change how and when the license expiration warning is displayed - enterprise_key/#49 * [minor] Fix syncing of file names with colon followed by a number - core/#25479 * [minor] Prevent empty user uid from LDAP - user_ldap/#6 * [minor] Prevent repeated log messages when dealing with broken picture files - core/#26758 * [minor] Fix group-enable option in apps page when memcache is enabled - core/#26638 * [minor] Add AVMaxFileSize config option - files_antivirus/#133 * [minor] Reduce number of federated share requests when dealing with non-existing entries - core/#26324 * [minor] Remove obsolete legacy storage repair routine - core/#26774 owncloud (8.2.10) stable ; urgency=medium * [major] Make error message for password reset form more generic - core/#27011 * [major] When sharing autocomplete is disabled, also disable for the email field - core/#26504 * [major] Fix LDAP "undefined OfflineUser::composeAndStoreDisplayName()" - core/#25588 * [major] Change how and when the license expiration warning is displayed - enterprise_key/#49 * [minor] Prevent repeated log messages when dealing with broken picture files - core/#26758 * [minor] Add AVMaxFileSize config option - files_antivirus/#133 owncloud (8.1.12) stable ; urgency=medium * [major] Make error message for password reset form more generic - core/#27011 * [major] When sharing autocomplete is disabled, also disable for the email field - core/#26504 * [minor] Prevent repeated log messages when dealing with broken picture files - core/#26758 owncloud (9.1.3) stable ; urgency=medium * [major] UI File list now works properly with many hidden entries - core/#26518 * [major] Transfer ownership fails in some sharing scenario - core/#26523 * [major] Transfer ownership fails if external storage with user-specified password - core/#26530 * [major] Transfer ownership fails with file shares with invalid permissions - core/#26541 * [major] Transfer ownership must skip trashed shares - core/#26525 * [major] Versions on external storage never expire - core/#24161 * [major] Properly convert public upload OCS params - core/#26691 * [major] Properly load object store apps at install time when required in config - core/#26299 * [major] Fix issue in sharing API that can happen with Galera Cluster - core/#26700 * [major] Cannot delete file in share link from global external storage - core/#25618 * [major] Fix issue where first run wizard made web UI unusable in IE11 - core/#26438 * [major] Cannot upload to federated share when only create/update permission given - core/#26173 * [major] Auth header in new DAV endpoint can break with Windows Webdav - core/#26412 * [minor] Transfer ownership don't bail out on error - core/#26524 * [minor] Don't scan received shares in OCC files scan or background jobs - core/#26590 * [minor] Remove useless warning in log when accessing public shares - core/#25455 * [minor] Fix disappearance of share info when clicking favorite star - core/#26241 * [minor] Don't bother fetching preview images if previews disabled in config.php - core/#26705 owncloud (9.0.7) stable ; urgency=medium * [major] Transfer ownership fails in some sharing scenario - core/#26523 * [major] Transfer ownership fails if external storage with user-specified password - core/#26530 * [major] Transfer ownership fails with file shares with invalid permissions - core/#26541 * [major] Transfer ownership must skip trashed shares - core/#26525 * [major] Versions on external storage never expire - core/#24161 * [major] Properly convert public upload OCS params - core/#26691 * [major] Properly load object store apps at install time when required in config - core/#26299 * [major] Fix issue in sharing API that can happen with Galera Cluster - core/#26700 * [major] Cannot delete file in share link from global external storage - core/#25618 * [major] Auth header in new DAV endpoint can break with Windows Webdav - core/#26412 * [minor] Transfer ownership don't bail out on error - core/#26524 * [minor] Don't scan received shares in occ files:scan or background jobs - core/#26590 * [minor] Fix disappearance of share info when clicking favorite star - core/#26241 * [minor] Don't bother fetching preview images if previews disabled in config.php - core/#26705 * [minor] Fix Webdav auth realm - core/#26721 owncloud (9.1.2) stable ; urgency=medium * Core: Adjusted documentation link to issue template - core/#26087 * Core: Display feedback in users page when changing password - core/#25532 * Core: Fix mime type detection in hidden directories - core/#26133 * Core: Change forum URL to central - core/#25644 * Core: Fix share array format passed to "post_unshareFromSelf" hook - core/#26390 * Core: Release mount info memory after running background jobs - core/#26223 * Core: Improve users page performance by not sorting after every add - core/#26234 * Core: Escape special chars in some queries - core/#25429 * Core: Redirect to two factor challenge page when only a single provider exists - core/#26134 * Core: Fix bogus PasswordLoginForbidden DAV error when logging in as non-existing user - core/#26123 * Core: Change the minimum log level to FATAL - core/#26131 * Core: Fix issue with "(2)" appearing on shares when querying avatar with wrong casing - core/#26271 * Core: Enabling an app now also analyzes dependencies at this time instead of only at install - core/#26295 * Core: Reuse cached app info to avoid high load on some environments - core/#25603 * Core: Show warning instead of exception when trying to run ownCloud on Windows - core/#26208 * Core: Fix misleading SSL/TLS SMTP email configuration - core/#26447 * Core: Fix malformed attribute in files app page - core/#26480 * DAV: Improve chunk assembly performance for new DAV endpoint - core/#26062 * DAV: New chunking now returns Etag and OC-Etag on the final MOVE - core/#25682 * DAV: Do not print exception messages in HTML - core/#26460 * DAV: Sanitize length headers when validating quota - core/#26366 * Files: Allow uploading empty files in the web UI - core/#19116 * Files: Properly translate file summary in lists - core/#26221 * Files: Exclude more invalid chars in path - core/#26461 * Sharing: Let the share owner increase permissions - core/#25542 * Federation: Fix sharing with remote user names containing spaces - core/#25955 * Federation: Save some memory in sync job by releasing mount info after each user - core/#26204 * Federation: Fix federated address book syncing by using the correct background job name - core/#26202 * CalDAV: Add Schedule and IMip plugins when receiving webdav v1 api calendar calls - core/#23600 * CardDAV: Unset photo before setting a new one - core/#26242 * CardDAV: Fix for birthday entries - core/#25636 * CardDAV: Limit image export mime types - core/#26459 * Updater: Fix web UI update in some environments - updater/#378 * Updater: Retrigger integrity check after update - updater/#405 * User_LDAP: Added OCC command to update group mappings - user_ldap/#14 * User_LDAP: Fix issue with "(2)" appearing on shares when refreshing users in some scenarios - core/#25718 * User_external: Double verify the SMB response - apps/#2198 * Firstrunwizard: Only display the wizard when in files app - firstrunwizard/#52 * Gallery: Do not display technical error messages - gallery/#707 * Firewall: Detect mime type based on file extension: - firewall/#247 owncloud (9.0.6) stable ; urgency=medium * Core: Adjusted documentation link to issue template - core/#26087 * Core: Display feedback in users page when changing password - core/#25532 * Core: Fix mime type detection in hidden directories - core/#26133 * Core: Change forum URL to central - core/#25644 * Core: Fix share array format passed to "post_unshareFromSelf" hook - core/#26389 * Core: Release mount info memory after running background jobs - core/#26223 * Core: Improve users page performance by not sorting after every add - core/#26234 * Core: Escape special chars in some queries - core/#25429 * Core: Fix misleading SSL/TLS SMTP email configuration - core/#26447 * DAV: Do not print exception messages in HTML - core/#26460 * DAV: Sanitize length headers when validating quota - core/#26366 * Files: Allow uploading empty files in the web UI - core/#19116 * Files: Exclude more invalid chars in path - core/#26461 * Sharing: Let the share owner increase permissions - core/#25542 * Federation: Fix sharing with remote user names containing spaces - core/#25955 * Federation: Save some memory in sync job by releasing mount info after each user - core/#26204 * CardDAV: Unset photo before setting a new one - core/#26242 * CardDAV: Limit image export mime types - core/#26459 * Updater: Fix web UI update in some environments - updater/#378 * Updater: Retrigger integrity check after update - updater/#405 * User_LDAP: Added OCC command to update group mappings - user_ldap/#14 * User_external: Double verify the SMB response - apps/#2198 * Antivirus: Fix background scan - files_antivirus/#128 * Gallery: Do not display technical error messages - gallery/#707 * Firewall: Detect mime type based on file extension: - firewall/#247 owncloud (8.2.9) stable ; urgency=medium * Core: Adjusted documentation link to issue template - core/#26087 * Core: Display feedback in users page when changing password - core/#25532 * Core: Fix mime type detection in hidden directories - core/#26133 * Core: Change forum URL to central - core/#25644 * Core: Fix unshare from self etag propagation - core/#26346 * Core: Fix misleading SSL/TLS SMTP email configuration - core/#26447 * DAV: Sanitize length headers when validating quota - core/#26366 * Updater: Fix signature data not found error when updating to 9.0 - updater/#384 * Updater: Clicking notification now updates doc in new tab - core/#26260 * User_external: Double verify the SMB response - apps/#2198 owncloud (8.1.11) stable ; urgency=medium * Core: Adjusted documentation link to issue template - core/#26087 * Core: Fix misleading SSL/TLS SMTP email configuration - core/#26447 * DAV: Sanitize length headers when validating quota - core/#26366 * Updater: Fixed to properly use update server URL from config - updater/#381 owncloud (8.0.16) stable ; urgency=medium * Core: Adjusted documentation link to issue template - core/#26087 * DAV: Sanitize length headers when validating quota - core/#26366 * Updater: Fixed to properly use update server URL from config - updater/#382 owncloud (9.1.1) stable ; urgency=medium * Core: Remove OCS response body for HTTP status 204 and 304 which disturbed some firewalls - core/#25835 * Core: Map Oracle driver options to params - core/#23938 * Core: Log cron job class name for easier troubleshooting - core/#25743 * Core: Skip version and trash expiry for users that never logged in - core/#25741 * Core: Added white download icons for apps to use - core/#23891 * Core: Fix warning about undefined offset in LoginController - core/#25714 * Core: Fix warning about undefined two factor providers - core/#25606 * Core: Load app before executing its repair steps - core/#25674 * Core: Fix "defaultapp" setting - core/#25562 * Core: Fix issue when opening some file app links received in share emails - core/#25200 * Core: Reconnect DB in occ files:scan to avoid DB timeouts - core/#25853 * Core: Fix status.php page redirection with non-standard port - core/#25946 * Core: Improve users page loading performance with many groups - core/#25922 * Core: Don't log credentials from tryLogin - core/#25895 * Core: Fix password recovery with case sensitive user names - core/#25684 * Core: Fix two factor page cyclic reload with some providers - core/#25893 * Core: Add visual feedback when updating password in users page - core/#25532 * Core: Fix useless warning when overwriting file when open_basedir is set - core/#26033 * Files: Display hidden files in footer and selection summary - core/#25855 * Files: Fix hidden files handling with insertion or selection - core/#25856 * DAV: Faster classification migration in CalDAV - core/#25638 * DAV: Error message about forbidden password login is now logged in debug level - core/#25486 * DAV: Return "data-fingerprint" property on any file related element - core/#25482 * DAV: Fix missing properties in CalDAV subscriptions - core/#24469 * DAV: Improve performance of chunking in new DAV endpoint- core/#26072 * Sharing: Fixed wrong insufficient storage error - core/#25582 * Sharing: Prevent shared storage recursions to avoid memory issues and crashes - core/#25557 * Sharing: Group received shares which have same source and target - core/#25113 * Sharing: Fix sharing over API when dealing with trailing slashes - core/#25464 * Sharing: Fix public upload issue with quota in some scenarios - core/#24751 * Sharing: Fix issue where videos did not play from share links with PHP 7 - core/#25483 * Sharing: Fix BadMethodCallException in cron or scanner - core/#25506 * Sharing: Prevent ghost mounts for deleted/orphaned shares - core/#26001 * Sharing: Fix fatal error for users with older existing shares from OC <= 8.2 - core/#25933 * Sharing: Always allow share owner to increase permissions - core/#25542 * Sharing: Properly retry federated shares after they were unavailable - core/#26037 * Sharing: Reallow spaces in federated share autocomplete in share dialog - core/#25955 * Encryption: OCC command for decryption now doesn't decrypt received shares - core/#25599 * Files_external: Removed reference magic to avoid potential infinite loops - core/#25844 * Files_external: Added conditional trace logging for debugging SMB on productive systems - core/#25758 * Files_external: Fix config database issue when using Oracle - core/#25764 * Files_external: SMB subfolders with read-only attribute are now writeable in OC to match spec - core/#24608 * Files_external: Fix "save in session" mode when using Webdav without cookies/session - core/#25511 * Files_external: Respect theme for external folder icon - core/#25461 * Files_external: Disable NFD encoding wrapper that was enabled by mistake for local storages - core/#25819 * Files_external: Some SMB fixes and better debug logging - core/#25817 * Files_trashbin: Add occ command to trigger trashbin retention expiration - core/#25878 * Files_versions: Add occ command to trigger versions retention expiration - core/#25878 * LDAP: Fix login issue when dealing with display name of deleted users - core/#23248 * LDAP: Prevent triggering email change events at login time for unchanged email - core/#25553 * LDAP: Fix login and logging issue with big avatars by reducing their size - core/#25857 * LDAP: Hide LDAP admin password in wizard - core/#25702 * Provisioning API: Fixed issue where subadmins could not change group memberships - core/#25496 * Provisioning API: Added flag to enable/disable two-factor auth for users - core/#25876 * Activity: Fix owner name processing for received federated shares - core/#24938 * Updater: Fix web update issue with filesystem apps - updater/#371 * Antivirus: Fix incorrect report of file size - files_antivirus/#120 * Antivirus: Fix background scan - files_antivirus/#109 * Password Policy: Properly adjust expiration date when toggling password - password_policy/#56 * WND: Ask for password if not provided to listen command - windows_network_drive/#11 * WND: Listen command will propagate changes to all available WND storages - windows_network_drive/#3 * WND: Listen command will propagate all changes to the root for faster syncing - windows_network_drive/#23 * WND: Listen command reconnect database to avoid timeouts - windows_network_drive/#24 * WND: Fix resetting global credentials - windows_network_drive/#21 * Firewall: Properly block upload of archive files - firewall/#247 owncloud (9.0.4) stable ; urgency=medium * Files: Prepend slash to paths in file list UI to prevent issues with links from share emails - core/#25200 * Files: Ignore invalid paths in the JS file list - core/#25368 * Files: Fix system tags search query - core/#25380 * Files: Can now properly create folders in IE11 - core/#24453 * DAV: Additional perm check in Webdav - core/#25449 * DAV: Get only vcards which match both the address book id and the vcard uri - core/#25294 * DAV: Suppress warnings from DAV migration if there's nothing to do - core/#25279 * DAV: Contacts API: replace raw image data with url - core/#25081 * Sharing: Fix issue with share ids not being strings on some envs with public links - core/#23066 * Sharing: Fix permission check issue when creating direct shares to users who already have access through group - core/#25359 * Encryption: Fix misleading decrypt-all command message - core/#23695 * Admin: Adding certificate revocation list and validate if the app certificate is revoked - core/#25469 * Admin: Fixes htaccess check on environments that blocks data folder with redirects - core/#25416 * Admin: Prevent endless reload in admin page during setup check - core/#24309 * Admin: Set content type when downloading log file to force download on some browser - core/#25382 * LDAP: Cap memory usage when iterating over all users, eg in a sync job - core/#25323 * LDAP: Fix user cleanup tool deletion detection accuracy - core/#25338 * Versions: Log version expiration as INFO instead of DEBUG to be consistent with trashbin - core/#25367 * Versions: Hide rollback button in versions app when no permission to revert - core/#25288 * Search: Fix search when operating on share file list sections - core/#23774 * Updater: Now uses web requests, useful for environments without CLI or proc_open access - core/#21085 * Updater: fix cleanup routine that failed with some apps - core/#24453 * Updater: fix integrity check issue when updating from 9.0.0 or 9.0.1 - updater/#358 * Files_drop: properly handle InvalidContentException when uploading infected files - files_drop/#110 owncloud (8.2.7) stable ; urgency=medium * Files: fix locking issue with too long key names - core/#25376 * DAV: Additional perm check in Webdav - core/#25449 * Admin: Set content type when downloading log file to force download on some browser - core/#25382 * Versions: Log version expiration as INFO instead of DEBUG to be consistent with trashbin - core/#25367 * Versions: Hide rollback button in versions app when no permission to revert - core/#25288 * Sharing: Use display name instead of LDAP user id in sharing error messages - core/#25305 * Search: Fix search when operating on share file list sections - core/#23774 * Files_drop: properly handle InvalidContentException when uploading infected files - files_drop/#110 owncloud (8.1.9) stable ; urgency=medium * Files: Properly update quota information when moving files from/to shared folders - core/#21236 * DAV: Additional perm check in Webdav - core/#25449 * DAV: Fix issue with chunks that got cleared too early - core/#24653 * Users: Capped cache in the user database backend - core/#24414 * Admin: Set content type when downloading log file to force download on some browser - core/#25382 * Admin: Added warning in admin page when using unsupported transaction mode - core/#24889 * LDAP: Fix writing to cache when fallback server should be used immediately - core/#23282 * Versions: Prevent rollback when no permission to revert - core/#25288 * Versions: Properly adjust cached size when reverting versions with encryption - core/#23928 * Search: Don't update search onResize - core/#24682 owncloud (8.0.14) stable ; urgency=medium * Core: Fix app loading order to load authentication apps first, fixes mail app issue - core/#25126 * Files: Fix getting mount points when passing a path to the files:scan command - core/#24901 * DAV: Additional perm check in Webdav - core/#25449 * DAV: Fix issue with chunks that got cleared too early - core/#24653 * Admin: Added warning in admin page when using unsupported transaction mode - core/#24889 * Versions: Prevent rollback when no permission to revert - core/#25288 owncloud (9.0.3) stable ; urgency=medium * Don't reload page in case of auth errors during setup checks - core/#25309 * On mount make sure multiple shares with same target map to unique one - core/#25244 * Wrong file size for encrypted file when reverting version - core/#23928 * Fix null pointer exception in user_ldap - core/#25062 * Catch exceptions while creating shared mounts - core/#25199 * Capped cache for the user/group cache - core/#24958 * Capped cache for user config - core/#25165 * Capped cache for cache info in UserMountCache - core/#25118 * Capped cache for normalized paths - core/#24340 * Capped cache for encryption's user access list - core/#25084 * Capped cache in the user database backend - core/#24414 * Improve memory usage when doing operation on users iteratively - core/#24327 * Repair job to fix permissions for avatars, fixes missing avatars - core/#22978 * Fix OCS Share API path response, UI showing wrong folder names - core/#24997 * Fix federated share upload from link share when quota is unlimited - core/#24961 * Added warning in admin page when using unsupported transaction mode - core/#24889 * Delay files_sharing's registerMountProviders to fix some update issues - core/#25187 * Do not recurse link share fetching to avoid endless loops on Oracle - core/#25160 * Emit correct signal when disabling an app - core/#25149 * Fix app loading order to looad authentication apps first, fixes mail app issue - core/#25126 * Fix Dropbox error handling to avoid ownCloud believing that there are no files in some cases - core/#24739 * Fix grouped input fields, make sure they take precedence - core/#25143 * DAV now returns file name with Content-Disposition header for Chrome with XML files - core/#25052 * Decrease initially loaded users in users page - core/#24734 * Allow empty host when installing on oracle via CLI - core/#25106 * Fix duplicate entries in language selector - core/#24536 * Fixed dynamic group ldap access - core/#24950 * Fix cron job error related to versions - core/#22450 * Delay reloading the page if an ajax error occurs, show notification - core/#25035 * Move datadir protection check back from .ocdata to htaccess.txt for more accurate check in some setups - core/#25045 * Skip scanning for a user when the user is not setup yet - core/#25044 * Catch the ForbiddenException from storage wrappers to make sure it gets handled - core/#24949 * Fix file not found in web UI when downloading folder a ZIP with a single file in a folder - core/#24783 * Fix 'lost_password_link' from config.php that did not work as expected - core/#24789 * Fix thumbnail download issue with external storage due to inaccurate path handling - core/#21173 * Fix endless loading loop in public share in some env when password is set - core/#23066 * Propagate size changes when running files:scan with explicit path - core/#24271 * Properly check for mbstring extension - core/#24906 * Enable range requests for public download, fixes video streaming - files_videoplayer/#45, core/#24830 * Fix performance for isLocal in SharedStorage - core/#24651 * Clarify filesystem_check_changes in config.sample.php - core/#24817 * Fix IApacheBackend issue due to wrong initialization order - core/#23899 * Fix SSO + master key encryption issue due to wrong initialization order - core/#24182 * Properly check "installed" config field which was a boolean string in some older setups - core/#24714 * Remove more sensitive values from log when logging objects - core/#24328 * Free up memory when releasing the last shared lock - core/#24705 * Fix issue with chunks that got cleared too early - core/#24653 * Fix issue with language detection for apps - core/#24441 * Do not automatically enable index.php-less urls, use "htaccess.RewriteBase" config - core/#24539 * Show proper error message when trying to create users with invalid characters - core/#24512 * Updater server URL can now be specified in config.php - core/#24500 * Help Translate link in personal settings is wrong - core/#23594 * Fix infinite loop issue when moving files over Webdav in some envs - core/#24318 * Remove "en@pirate" locale which caused issues - core/#24545 * Make getShareFolder use given view instead of static FS, fixes LDAP issues with mail attr - core/#25150 * Add support to know where the storage test comes from - core/#25166 * Don't update search onResize - core/#24682 * Removed repair steps for broken updater repair - core/#24438 * Put back pcntl warning - core/#24295 * Disable integrity check failure message in UI when check is disabled - core/#24752 * Fix LDAP login with encryption after changing password - core/#24832 * Fix displaying of the date in the activity panel in the sidebar - activity/#517 * Updater: move __apps temp folder into data folder - updater/#332 * Fix updater issue when encryption was enabled - update/#350 * Gallery: tokens are too loose - gallery/#669 * Files_drop: Fix retrieving free space when value is unknown for example on external storage - files_drop/#106 * Workflow: Use the hook for the storage wrapper registration - workflow/#99 owncloud (8.2.6) stable ; urgency=medium * Fix oc_appconfig fetching performance - core/#25226 * Wrong file size for encrypted file when reverting version - core/#23928 * Fix app loading order to looad authentication apps first, fixes mail app issue - core/#25126 * Fix occ files:scan locking issue with shared folder - core/#24507 * Fix quota update after moving files to shared folder in webinterface - core/#21236 * Show a proper error message when handle "storage not available" situations - core/#25037 * Fix cron job error related to versions - core/#22450 * Fix thumbnail download issue with external storage due to inaccurate path handling - core/#21173 * Capped cache for the user/group cache - core/#24958 * Capped cache for normalized paths - core/#24340 * Fix 'lost_password_link' from config.php that did not work as expected - core/#24789 * Fix IApacheBackend issue due to wrong initialization order - core/#23899 * Fix SSO + master key encryption issue due to wrong initialization order - core/#24182 * Read available l10n files also from theme folder - core/#23571 * Propagate size changes when running files:scan with explicit path - core/#24271 * Fix performance for isLocal in SharedStorage - core/#24651 * Clarify filesystem_check_changes in config.sample.php - core/#24817 * Free up memory when releasing the last shared lock - core/#24704 * Fix issue with chunks that got cleared too early - core/#24653 * Fix federated share checkboxes to correctly display disabled state - core/#24547 * LDAP: do not attempt to process user records without display name - core/#20804 * Updater server URL can now be specified in config.php - core/#24500 * Remove "en@pirate" locale which caused issues - core/#24545 * Added warning in admin page when using unsupported transaction mode - core/#24889 * Don't update search onResize - core/#24682 * Gallery: tokens are too loose - gallery/#669 * WND: Fix issue decrypting the password twice, causing to log some errors - windows_network_drive/#397 * WND: stat / dir / log rework - windows_network_drive/#399 * WND: Fix js to allow updating the personal mounts with custom credentials properly - windows_network_drive/#388 * WND: Lockout fix when credentials changed in the storage backend - windows_network_drive/#387 * WND: Run strreplace only on strings - windows_network_drive/#386 owncloud (8.2.5) stable ; urgency=medium * webdav / files broken after upgrade to 8.2.4 #24487 * addressed XSS issues in the files_videoviewer app owncloud (8.1.8) stable ; urgency=medium * addressed XSS issues in the files_videoviewer app owncloud (8.0.13) stable ; urgency=medium * addressed XSS issues in the files_videoviewer app owncloud (7.0.15) stable ; urgency=medium * addressed XSS issues in the files_videoviewer app * EOL: last 7.0.x release owncloud (9.0.2) stable ; urgency=low * Open sidebar when clicking in the right part of rows in files view - #23381 * user_ldap: Call to a member function setEMailAddress() on a non-object - #23759 * Fatal error in dav app while running cron job - #23496 * Desktop sync fails with big files (OC 8.2.0, client 2.0.2) - #20261 * Wrong image rotation - #21485 * Restrict autoloaded paths to loaded apps (and other enhancements) - #18839 * Exclude autoload_static.php - #23935 * [encryption] Recovery key feature doesn't work when a not default "User Home Folder Naming Rule" is used - #23632 * Federated sharing: volatile edit permission - #24032 * Transfer ownership with encryption break files -> bad signature - #24095 * TextEditor: Checksum not invalidated on file change - #23782 * occ files:scan does not invalidate checksums if file changed on disk. - #23783 * [9.0] handle completely unscanned storages in the background scanner - #23576 * [stable9] Write .htaccess also from CLI - #24136 * Share link: user mail is disappearing after selecting expiration date - #22947 * Folder size not propagated when uploading as share recipient with encryption enabled - #24105 * Can create events in contacts_birthday calendar - #24154 * [stable9] Ignore certificate file if it starts with file:// - #24172 * [stable9] remember email when setting expiration date - #24149 * cron.php does not exit, consumes RAM - #23621 * Cron gives errors on getQuota() on null in apps/files_versions/lib/storage.php on line 691 - #23513 * [9.0] Change the sort order of background jobs to be DESC instead of ASC - #24196 * No "Personal" calendar created for installing user - #24082 * [9.0] dont do optimized size propagation for encrypted files - #24158 * [stable9] on clone Connection, do not take over the existing LDAP resource - #24236 * [stable9] Fix LDAP race conditions - #24242 * Catching undefined exception in versions expire - #24233 * [9.0] Call private cache methods only for `OC\Files\Cache\Cache` - #24202 * "Deadlock found when trying to get lock" in file locking - #20555 * [stable9] don't get the config for the same mount multiple times - #24259 * Scanner doesn't propagate etags any more when file changed - #24255 * Undefined index: extension at /var/www/owncloud/lib/private/installer.php#272 - #24228 * [stable9] Disable pastezone for jquery.fileupload - #24281 * Can't upgrade to 9.0.1 (daily) in CentOS 6.6 - #24276 * [9.0] error out if a local storage isn't setup correctly - #24289 * [Stable 9] Make ownCloud work again in php 7.0.6 - #24343 * After switching to Postgresql changing any activity checkbox checks all of the boxes - #23761 * Upgrade from o.C. 8.2.X to 9.0.X. Cannot access to oC if and LDAP user that made a share was deleted from the LDAP server. - #24090 * Update sabre/dav to 3.0.9 for windows 10 support - 3rdparty/#269 * Update sabre/dav to 3.0.9 on stable9 - 3rdparty/#270 * Spinning wheel OC 9 - activity/#481 * wrong links in RSS feed - activity/#508 * LDAP users don't get listed when I try to share - android/#1527 * Announcementcenter is listing only the last 5 announcements - announcementcenter/#67 * [stable9] renameTag SQL bugfix - bookmarks/#234 * [stable9] move version to info.xml - bookmarks/#238 * work around filter_vars limitation with unicode chars in the URL - bookmarks/#239 * [9.0] Do not override user-provided title when bookmarking via bookmarklet - bookmarks/#247 * Adding bookmark leads to: SQLSTATE[22021]: Character not in repertoire: 7 ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding \"UTF8\" - bookmarks/#230 * Export Addressbook - contacts/#248 * Review dav urls as used in the docs - documentation/#2074 * Acessing files via webdav with curl: wrong link - documentation/#2330 * Remove non-existent warning for file locking - documentation/#2351 * update php5-smbclient status - documentation/#2362 * Re-added some performance hints. - documentation/#2367 * Performance tuning: Recommend redis based file locking - documentation/#2381 * Ubuntu 16.04 - documentation/#2396 * Trashbin and Versions files are not erased while the cronjob runs. - enterprise/#1279 * null user in admin_audit trash_delete, possibly through cron - enterprise/#1291 * veracode source code scan of OwnCloud 9.0.1: hiddeninput.exe - enterprise/#1272 * Server returns 500 Internal Server Error - enterprise/#1192 * [stable9] Redirect page if not shown in an iframe - files_pdfviewer/#109 * [Stable9] update version to what is in core files external - objectstore/#40 * Fix wrong path to lost password template - templateeditor/#43 * 3rdparty folder not overwritten on update - updater/#316 * getExtractionBaseDir should be deleted before code signature is verified - updater/#318 * BrokenUpdaterRepair SQL issue - updater/#331 * Wrong app path when optional PCNTL module was not enabled - updater/#335 * integrity-check command shows error after running updater from 9.0.1 stable to daily stable9 - updater/#342 * updater/update.log has to be stored in the data folder - updater/#317 * 3rdparty folder not overwritten on update - updater/#316 * getExtractionBaseDir should be deleted before code signature is verified - updater/#318 * Upgrade from 9.0 to 9.1 fails - updater/#336 * Wrong app path when optional PCNTL module was not enabled - updater/#335 * Option to delete empty folders after x days - workflow/#83 * [9.0] Parent tags missing in userretention - workflow/#87 owncloud (8.2.4) stable ; urgency=low * [stable8.2] Remove browser autocomplete in new file menu - #22927 * owncloud-8.2.3.tar.bz2 contains /apps/dav folder - #22962 * The download archive should be named after the name of the current folder - #22836 * [Stable 8.2] Rename and move permissions are set when a file is updatable - #22842 * [stable8.2] Remove disabled autocorrect for new file names - #23025 * Windows Office files via SMB mount through WebDAV is prompting for authentication - #22596 * Received share to local user disappears from Webdav when LDAP server unavailable - #20536 * [stable8.2] Update error text for link passwords - #22934 * Renaming and moving displays an error in public shared folder with edit permissions. - #21678 * Sharing to AD group fails when not all users have logged in - #22907 * "Allow editing" capability in share by link not disabled - #23325 * Full name is not shown just after modifying it in the Personal Page - #20455 * Position of edit options in sharing menu confuses user - #18163 * Password-link shares listed in "Shared in ... with ..." section of sidebar - #22128 * Users with LDAP photos unable to see SMB external storage on OwnCloud Android app - #21555 * Webdav invalid request error with samba share - #22187 * Cannot upload file from OC <= 8.2 through fed share to OC 9.0 with unlimited quota - #23547 * Encryption + ext storage + versions broken - #23681 * Desktop sync fails with big files (OC 8.2.0, client 2.0.2) - #20261 * [stable8.2] Fix conditional check in MySQL setup - #23807 * [stable8.2] Fixes a possible infinite change-dir-loop - #23984 * Orientation for shared images broken - #20484 * [encryption] Recovery key feature doesn't work when a not default "User Home Folder Naming Rule" is used - #23632 * Share Dialog Problems repeating user list - #18910 * Federated sharing: volatile edit permission - #24032 * Share link: user mail is disappearing after selecting expiration date - #22947 * Cannot upload file from OC <= 8.2 through fed share to OC 9.0 with unlimited quota - #23547 * [stable8.2] Ignore certificate file if it starts with file:// - #24171 * [stable8.2] remember email when setting expiration date - #24150 * Error output when passing --data-dir during command line installation - #23637 * cron.php does not exit, consumes RAM - #23621 * [stable8.2] Fix LDAP race conditions - #24243 * "Deadlock found when trying to get lock" in file locking - #20555 * Undefined index: extension at /var/www/owncloud/lib/private/installer.php#272 - #24228 * [8.2] error out if a local storage isn't setup correctly - #24288 * [Stable 8.2] Make ownCloud work again in php 7.0.6 - #24344 * After switching to Postgresql changing any activity checkbox checks all of the boxes - #23761 * Wrong documentation link (Performance Tuning) - #22985 * Activities not loading (Autoload path not allowed) - activity/#491 * LDAP users don't get listed when I try to share - android/#1527 * Correct use of passed argument - apps/#2157 * [stable8.2] renameTag SQL bugfix - bookmarks/#235 * use parse_url to verify dn, because filter_var has issues with special chars - bookmarks/#240 * [8.2] Do not override user-provided title when bookmarking via bookmarklet - bookmarks/#248 * Adding bookmark leads to: SQLSTATE[22021]: Character not in repertoire: 7 ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding \"UTF8\" - bookmarks/#230 * added missing slash - documentation/#2220 * convert named code blocks to generic code blocks - documentation/#2230 * Add mod_php to system requirements - documentation/#2265 * Remove not existing warning in 8.2 - documentation/#2269 * Documentation page doesn't have favicon - documentation/#2173 * Fixpromolink82 - documentation/#2297 * Change note to warning on some places. - documentation/#2304 * Add encryption migration to upgrading and encryption docs. - documentation/#2314 * Remove non-existent warning for file locking - documentation/#2350 * Re-added some performance hints. - documentation/#2367 * Performance tuning: Recommend redis based file locking - documentation/#2381 * clarify 8.2 upgrade behavior - documentation/#2387 * Ubuntu 16.04 - documentation/#2397 * [8.2.3]Trashbin and Versions files are not erased while the cronjob runs. - enterprise/#1279 * [LDAP] Connecting with backup LDAP server in 8.2.1 - enterprise/#988 * High database network load - enterprise/#1149 * [8.2.3]Trashbin and Versions files are not erased while the cronjob runs. - enterprise/#1279 * Internal Server Error when trying to access Personal Page - enterprise/#1284 * Sharepoint Site URL not accessible - enterprise/#1104 * [8.2.3]Windows Network Drive do not allow to share - enterprise/#1183 * changing Active Directory password causes account locking - enteprise/#1222 * [stable8.2] Show proper message if link was deleted - files_drop/#98 * [stable8.2] Redirect page if not shown in an iframe - files_pdfviewer/#110 * Request Time option changes from am to pm - firewall/#232 * Failed combination minimum characters + special characters - password_policy/#37 * [BUG] If you introduce the Ñ uppercase the folder/file is not shared and the user is warned - password_policy/#42 * Authentication credentials and document libraries are swapped after adding a new personal credentials - sharepoint/#223 owncloud (8.1.7) stable ; urgency=low * [Stable 8.1] Rename and move permissions are set when a file is updatable - #22843 * [stable8.1] Fix broken scanner call in ajax/scan.php - #23149 * Received share to local user disappears from Webdav when LDAP server unavailable - #20536 * Renaming and moving displays an error in public shared folder with edit permissions. - #21678 * Sharing to AD group fails when not all users have logged in - #22907 * "Allow editing" capability in share by link not disabled - #23325 * [encryption] Recovery key feature doesn't work when a not default "User Home Folder Naming Rule" is used - #23632 * Cannot upload file from OC <= 8.2 through fed share to OC 9.0 with unlimited quota - #23547 * [stable8.1] Ignore certificate file if it starts with file:// - #24170 * Undefined index: extension at /var/www/owncloud/lib/private/installer.php#272 - #24228 * [stable8.1] renameTag SQL bugfix - bookmarks/#236 * [8.1] Do not override user-provided title when bookmarking via bookmarklet - bookmarks/#249 * Adding bookmark leads to: SQLSTATE[22021]: Character not in repertoire: 7 ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding \"UTF8\" - bookmarks/#230 * [stable8.1] Redirect page if not shown in an iframe - files_pdfviewer/#111 * [8.1.x] Video can't be played if video file is placed inside parent folder - files_videoplayer/#42 owncloud (8.0.12) stable ; urgency=low * [Stable 8] Rename and move permissions are set when a file is updatable - #22844 * "Allow editing" capability in share by link not disabled - #23325 * [stable8] Workaround to be able to recognize unlimited quota in fed shares - #24148 * [stable8] Ignore certificate file if it starts with file:// - #24168 * [stable8] renameTag SQL bugfix - bookmarks/#237 * use parse_url to verify dn, because filter_var has issues with special chars - bookmarks/#244 * [stable8] Redirect page if not shown in an iframe - files_pdfviewer/#112 owncloud (7.0.14) stable; urgency=low * [stable7] Ignore certificate file if it starts with file:// - #24167 * [stable7] Redirect page if not shown in an iframe - files_pdfviewer/#113 - - - - - owncloud (5.0.11-0) stable; urgency=low * Fixing upload in shared folders with create privileges * Making ldap more robust in certain situations * Handing quota violation earlier to make the desktop clients more robust * Several quota fixes * Fix issues with certain file names like 0 or false * Disable smb in files_External on windows servers * Enable user to decrypt files again after encryption app was disabled * Improved Encryption messages * Add a searchByMime call to API * Fix multiselects for Firefox on Mac in groups management * Reduce the number of ldap connections * Show a "password incorrect" notice when used shared password is wrong * Switch to the completely new Google Drive SDK. * Scanner: additional tests for reusing etags during scanning * Fix accessing files that are newly created by setting the right mime type owncloud (5.0.10-0) stable; urgency=low * Configurable logfile date format * Several Oracle fixes * Several MSSQL fixes * Make default language configurable * New CLI upgrade script * Correctly calculate folder size * Fix display of search results * Database upgrade fixes * Smaller filesystem cache fixes * Remember password fixes * Encryption fixes * Fix problems with german "Umlauts" in folder name * IE fixes * Improved upgrade logging * Improved external storage status display * Flicker free versions dropdown * Don't create empty versions * Less noisy debug logfile * Don't show firstrunwizard during upgrade * Several smaller fixes owncloud (5.0.9-0) stable; urgency=medium * General ownCloud Enterprise improvements: * New AES based serverside encryption * Support for multiple LDAP servers * Enhanced logging module * Provisioning API * MS SQL support * Home directory integration * Massive speed improvements * Improved user interface * Undelete * More intelligent versioning * Display names * Anti Virus App * Improved apps management * Capabilities API * Improved documentation * * ownCloud 5.0.9 Enterprise improvements: * Fixes for mounting an WebDAV into an ownCloud * Improved expiration of older versions in the case of a full storage * Increased speed when syncing shared files * Speedup syncing of shared files * Oracle compatibility fixes * Make upgrade routine more robust * Fix gallery for certain php configurations * Fix pdf viewer close button * user_external fixes * Several smaller fixes owncloud (2012.4.5.13-0) stable; urgency=medium * SECURITY: Authentication bypass in "user_webdavauth" (oC-SA-2013-030) * Fixed deleting old files versions owncloud (2012.4.5.12-0) stable; urgency=medium * SECURITY: Multiple XSS vulnerabilities (oC-SA-2013-028) * Several smaller fixes owncloud (2012.4.5.11-0) stable; urgency=medium * SECURITY: SQL Injection (oC-SA-2013-019) * SECURITY: Multiple directory traversals (oC-SA-2013-020) * SECURITY: Multiple XSS vulnerabilities (oC-SA-2013-021) * SECURITY: Privilege escalation in the calendar application (oC-SA-2013-024) owncloud (2012.4.0.15-0) stable; urgency=medium * SECURITY: Multiple directory traversals (oC-SA-2013-020) * SECURITY: Multiple XSS vulnerabilities (oC-SA-2013-021) owncloud (2012.4.5.10-0) stable; urgency=low * Security: XSS in flashmediaelement.swf (oC-SA-2013-017) * Security: Authentication bypass in Contacts (oC-SA-2013-018) owncloud (2012.4.5.9-0) stable; urgency=low * Fix public sharing * Improved LDAP error reporting * Don't show share action for Shared folder * XSS vulnerability in jPlayer (oC-SA-2013-014) * PostgreSQL: Insecure database password generator (oC-SA-2013-015) * Windows: Local file disclosure (oC-SA-2013-016) owncloud (2012.4.0.14-0) stable; urgency=low * XSS vulnerability in jPlayer (oC-SA-2013-014) * PostgreSQL: Insecure database password generator (oC-SA-2013-015) * Windows: Local file disclosure (oC-SA-2013-016) owncloud (2012.4.5.8-0) stable; urgency=low * Fix foldersize checks to validate zip input size * Offer download of shared dir as zip only if zip size limit is not exceeded * Escape more characters for LDAP search * fix versioning together with real home directories * Multiple XSS vulnerabilities (oC-SA-2013-008) * Contacts: Bypass of file blacklist (oC-SA-2013-009) * user_migrate: Local file disclosure (oC-SA-2013-010) owncloud (2012.4.0.13-0) stable; urgency=low * Contacts: Bypass of file blacklist (oC-SA-2013-009) * user_migrate: Local file disclosure (oC-SA-2013-010) owncloud (2012.4.5.7-0) stable; urgency=low * Fix for 3rd party apps dropping the database * Fix SubAdmins management * Fix PHP warnings * Fix compatibility with some CIFS shares * More robust apps management * Remove not needed AWS tests * Improved mime type parsing * Several sharing fixes * Offer the option to change the password only supported by the backend * More robust auto language detection * Revoke DB rights on install only if the db is newly created * Fix rendering of database connection error page * LDAP: update quota more often * Multiple XSS vulnerabilities (oC-SA-2013-003) * Multiple CSRF vulnerabilities (oC-SA-2013-004) * PHP settings disclosure (oC-SA-2013-005) * Multiple code executions (oC-SA-2013-006) * Privilege escalation in the calendar application (oC-SA-2013-007) owncloud (2012.4.0.12-0) stable; urgency=low * Multiple XSS vulnerabilities (oC-SA-2013-003) * Multiple CSRF vulnerabilities (oC-SA-2013-004) * Multiple code executions (oC-SA-2013-006) owncloud (2012.4.5.6-0) stable; urgency=low * Improved language detection * Improved translations * Fix link to bugtracker * Several IE 6/7/8 fixes * SabreDAV updated to 1.6.6 * Improved error reporting * Support special characters in mountpoint * Interpret http 403 and 401 as not authorized in user_webdavauth * Several fixes for special characters in files and folders * Improved PostgreSQL support * Check database names for valid characters * Fix default email address calculation * Remove debug output on send password page * Add SMTP port configuration option * Only show the max possible upload of 2GB on a 32 bit system * Show progress during file downloads * Security: Fix multiple XSS problems: CVE-2013-0201, CVE-2013-0202, CVE-2013-0203 * Security: Fix Code execution in external storage: CVE-2013-0204 * Security: Removed remoteStorage app because of unfixed security problems. owncloud (2012.4.0.11-0) stable; urgency=low * Security: Fix multiple XSS problems: CVE-2013-0201, CVE-2013-0202, CVE-2013-0203 * Security: Removed remoteStorage app because of unfixed security problems. owncloud (2012.4.5.5-0) stable; urgency=low * Show drag and drop shadow for Firefox * Fix Knowledgebase under certain conditions * Fix setting of sharing password * Fix setting of sharing password * Several sharing fixes * Fix versioning during sharing * Fix mounting of external filesystems especially CIFS * Fix several PHP warnings * Show /Shared as standard directory * Fix session management for running several ownClouds on the same host * Fix WebDAV quota enforement * Fix CalDAV with LDAP users * Better warning about missing dependencies * Add warning about conflicting WebDAV auth and LDAP backend * Restore send sharing link my email * Fix encoding problem with mounting of CIFS filesystems * Fix mimetype icons for new files * Fix the folder size calculation * Fix for deleting multiple files * Fix for controling the data dir with LDAP * Security: Auth bypass in user_webdavauth and user_ldap (oC-SA-2012-006) * Security: XSS vulnerability in bookmarks (oC-SA-2012-007) owncloud (2012.4.0.10-0) stable; urgency=low * Security: Auth bypass in user_webdavauth and user_ldap (oC-SA-2012-006) * Security: XSS vulnerability in bookmarks (oC-SA-2012-007) owncloud (2012.4.5.4-0) stable; urgency=low * Fix a regression for system where output buffering is disabled * Fix a problem with old file versions stored in the filesystem cache * Fix group and subadmin ajax bug * Important LDAP fix * Improved Updater owncloud (2012.4.5.3-0) stable; urgency=low * Fix the new from url button * Fix a memory overflow with downloading of big files via WebDAV * Better error output in case of DB problems * Fix problems with uploading files who have special characters in the name * Improved reverse proxy and load balancer support * Fix wrong folder size calculation * Improved share link generation * Fix the syncing of the Shared folder * Fix Sharing by link from within Shared folder * Several LDAP integration fixes * Fix support for PostgreSQL * Several WebDAV fixes * Fix drag and drop uploading * Improved translations * Smaller fixes owncloud (2012.4.5.2-0) stable; urgency=low * Fix syncing of shared folder * Various sharing bugs fixed * Fix bug with deleting users * Fix check if resharing is allowed * Fix webdavauth app * Several ldap fixes * Fix data migration * Fix folder uploads * Fix generatino of etags * fix user specific mount configuration * Several PostgreSQL fixes * Improved performance of file updates * Fix some php warnings * Fix filesize calculation * add visual feedback if password is set * Various smaller fixes * Several critical security fixes * XSS vulnerability in user_webdavauth (oC-SA-2012-003) * Code Execution in /lib/migrate.php (oC-SA-2012-004) * Code Execution in /lib/filesystem.php (oC-SA-2012-005) owncloud (2012.4.0.9-0) stable; urgency=low * Several critical security fixes * Multiple XSS vulnerabilities (oC-SA-2012-001) * Timing attack in the "Lost Password" implementation (oC-SA-2012-002) * Code Execution in /lib/migrate.php (oC-SA-2012-004) * Code Execution in /lib/filesystem.php (oC-SA-2012-005) owncloud (2012.4.5.1-0) stable; urgency=low * Fix path encoding in breadcrumb * Fix sharing of files with special characters * Fix upercase/lowercase probelm in usernames with WebDAV * Fix LDAP plugin with Postgres * Fix userID migration * Fix sharing of mounted Files * Delete userfiles after deleting a user * Make Webinterface work with nonstandard path * Fix retieval of Quota, Email via LDAP * Show a warning in installer if .htaccess is not working * Fix Shared folder caching * Increase security by using openssl random number generator * Fix syncing of rollback files * Fix the swift files backend * Disallow user to delete own account * Security: Fix multiple XSS vulnerabilities (oC-SA-2012-001) * Security: Fix a timing attack in the "Lost Password" implementation (oC-SA-2012-002) * Various other smaller fixes owncloud (2012.4.5.0-0) stable; urgency=high * Faster Syncing * Sub Administrators * GUI for mounting of external storage * Improved File Versioning * Enhanced Sharing * Reworked LDAO * Big File Chunking owncloud (2012.4.0.8-0) stable; urgency=high * Show Login Button when user and password are autocompleted * Sanitize LDAP base, user and groups * Security: Fix for insufficiently Random Values (CVE-2008-4107) * Security: Fixed multiple XSS vulnerabilities (CVE-2012-5056) * Security: Fixed a HTTP header injection (CVE-2012-5057) * Security: Fixed an Auth bypass in /lib/base.php (CVE-2012-5336) owncloud (2012.4.0.7-0) stable; urgency=high * Show Login Button when user and password are autocompleted * Sanitize LDAP base, user and groups * Fix non active Adressbooks * Calendar: Remove double html encoding * Fix label for versioning in admin settings * Add parent directory into filecache if it doesn´t exist * Handle non writable files correctly * Disable webfinger completely if not activated * Security: Disable user listings in DAV * Check file blacklist for file renames * Security: Fix XSS bug in Gallery * Security: Several CSRF security fixes * Security: Validate cookie to prevent auth bypasses * Special thanks to Julien Cayssol for reporting several security problems owncloud (2012.4.0.6-0) stable; urgency=low * More robust LDAP integration during unexpected collisions * Fix sharing for users with @ in username * Additional error handling for emailing of private links * Cleanup old session files * Fix user space calculation * Fix Ampache authentication * Remove delete tipsy if file is deleted * Don´t delete lot´s of session files during DAV requests * Fix error when no adressbook is created * Check if php-ldap is installed * Security: Check for Admin user in appcinfig.php * Security: Several CSRF security fixes owncloud (2012.4.0.5-0) stable; urgency=low * Fix remember the username and autologin * Offer an option to allow sharing outside the group. * Fixes for several encoding fixes for unicode characters * Fix invalid filesystem cache in the sharing folder * Fix sending of emails * Several fixes in the system log * Several fixes for the external filesystem feature * Several CSRF security fixes owncloud (2012.4.0.4-0) stable; urgency=low * versioning of files * server side encryption * drag and drop upload * theming * ODF file viewer * ownCloud Application APIs * migration and backup * tasks management * application store * lots of improvements * Verify if user exists when loggin (oc-863) * More efficient log file handling * PDO requirement check * Check if apps folder is writable * prevent division by zero problem during output of free space * better mysql error message * correctly configure ldap group backend (oc-887) * sort users and groups (oc-779) * LDAP. correctly handle group filter (oc-867) * try to switch magic quotes of globally * fix ategory error reporting (oc-874) * correctly handle reverse proxy / load balancer https handling * prevent session already started warning * fix the files breadcrumb * don´t try to use smtp auth if config files says no * fix versioning path * security: fix a XSS problem in calendar * make LDAP pqsql compatible * fix pqsql database migration * fix ldap config interface * support for LDAP "member" * don´t hardcode /tmp * fix potential security problem for requested apps parameter * fix notes in contacts properly * fix timezone detection * fix interti_id in calendar * set DB prefix for pqsql * security: fix a XSS problem in contacts * correctly encode caldav link * allow longer path in gallery * disable not compatible apps during upgrade * fix HEAD request for downloads * fix private link sharing via email * use UTC as default timezone * style fixes for tasks app * Lot´s of gallery fixes * More 3rd party apps visible * Fixed update notifications * Several calendar fixes * Several XSS fixes in calendar * Several improvements in contacts * Fix intinite redirect during setup for windows hosts * Several XSS fixes in contacts * New user password salting * Several LDAP fixes * Fix doublicate emails in sharing * Improved compatibility with Android browser * Fixed calendar links * Fixed logging * Allow "/" in filenames * Updated translations * Fixed reverse proxy and custom hosts configuration * Fix contact photo editing * Don´t allow renaming, deleting and resharing of shared folder * Added a check if the .htaccess file is working and the data directory is protected or not. * Added a check if a user is alowed to edit a bookmark or not. * Fix the bookmarklet * Fix the timezone in the datepicker * Fix mimetype detection for cdr files * Fix the filecache for the /Shared folder * Fix a potential data corruption bug in the encryption app * Don´t show other users filenames during filesystem cache rebuild * Fix several XSS bugs * Performance improvements for WebDAV and Desktop Syncing * Fix quota calculation * Improve the LDAP integration and group management * Fix problems with the pdf viewer * Fix user account migration * Implement several CSRF security checks * Fix a gallery bug where first picture is repeated in the last picture. * Lot´s of calendar fixes * Fix problem with "/" in filenames * Updated translations * Several fixes in Contacts * Lot´s of fixes in the Tasks App * Fix a bug in the filesystem cache with ghost entries * Fix assigning several groups to a user. * Fix LDAP connector with AD servers * Conserve some memory in Contacts App * Fix a warning in Gallery when deleting files * Fix a bug in the music scanner